Madi - Lost at One AM
Today at one o’clock, and no not in the afternoon, I was walking with a new friend. A super nice guy. People stay up unbelievably late here in Spain. We were coming home from a party, and were walking ahead of mom and dad. The Albacin at night is pretty hillarious. Everywhere you look there are ten to twenty people laughing and talking, at one to two in the morning. It’s dark though. You can tell it is really late.
We kept talking and walking until we realized, where are the parents? We had gotten a bit ahead of them. So we backtracked, and went to were we last saw them, and they weren't there. We went to where we thought they might have walked, but they weren't there either, so we waited like five minutes. We knew our way home, but we didn’t have the keys to our house, our parents did. So, we chose to walk to Gabriel’s house. What are the parents thinking right now? I was panicked that they didn’t know where I was. Thank goodness Gabriel has been living here for two years because he knew his way around really well.
Finally, we got to his house and his Dad called our parents, and they came and picked us up. I was so stressed out the whole time waiting, but was calm on the outside. When my Dad came I was so happy. We walked home and everything was all right.
- Madi
The Albacin at Night