Madi's Graffiti Post
I miss you guys so much.
Today I wanted to talk about graffiti. There’s this famous graffiti artist, from Granada. His name is el Niño de las pinturas. His graffiti is beautiful. For one painting he swam in a pool to do the outside, it’s very vibrant. Everywhere you look, there is graffiti in this city!
Right beside my house there’s some graffiti that looks like a bug.
I love that you can express your feelings in graffiti! I see so many names in graffiti. I think they want people to know their names and be noticed.
I saw this painting and I wanted to talk about it. It is a girl with tape over her mouth, with a smile painted over the tape. I think what the artist was trying to say was that girls have to be quiet and put a smile on, and I disagree.